After a couple of days of spending a little more time in her crate than would be usual thanks to activities with the Enloe Marching Band, Mistletoe was definitely feeling the need for speed!

With Gram and Aunt Meghann, she would get her wish at the dog park at Knightdale Station which is a very nice facility with two separate fenced areas and plenty of benches and other amenities. You’ve got to love the subtle touches where the designer was obviously a dog lover with a bit of wit planted a fire hydrant in the middle of the area!

By the time we rolled by in the afternoon, there were already a couple of dogs playing in the park and it didn’t take long for them to start chasing Mistletoe all over the place. Unfortunately for them, Mistletoe in “zoomies” mode is a very fast puppy indeed and she’s much better at cornering than the bigger dogs who’d often overshoot her turn.

It was almost like watching the gladiator scene in Monty Python’s “Life of Brian” where the condemned combatant adopts a strategy of running away until the massive gladiator keels over with a coronary infarction!

Her endurance at speed was quite impressive and she left them all with their tongues hanging!

Mind you, she was certainly rocking the panting as well and would take her rest on top of some big boulders that she had no problem scaling. Those rocks would be her favourite part of the park where she would observe the other dogs getting into occasional tussles or wait for a strategic moment to hop down and get chased again until she’d take refuge behind a park bench or back up on the rocks.

When we finally got back to the house, she was pretty much pooped and did her customary flop onto the floor and slept until it was time for dinner to be served.